Arriving to Lahti

Train timetables

Lahti is located only 1 hour  by train from Helsinki-Vantaa Airport. Check the train timetables here.

Did you miss your connection? Here you can easily check trains departing from Helsinki-Vantaa Airport. Take the commuter train I to Tikkurila station and change trains there for Lahti.

Bus timetables

The airport bus from Helsinki-Vantaa to Lahti takes 1 hour 20 minutes. Check the timetables online here.

Rent a car

Lahti is located less than an hour from Helsinki-Vantaa International Airport by car.

Rent a car from the VisitLahti online store. You can freely choose the pick-up city or aiport.

Staying in Lahti


Getting a good night’s sleep is an important part of your trip. The cheapest hotel in the center of Lahti is the Forenom Aparthotel.

There is also a good selection of Airbnb places to choose from.

Eat and Drink

Lahti has a good selection of places to eat. For a fine dining experience we recommend restaurant Roux, which has been selected the restaurant of the year in 2016.

For other options you can check and TripAdvisor.

Moving around

The center of Lahti City is pretty small, so best way to get around is by foot.

Lahti traveling centre is located in the transport hub of the city centre next to the existing railway station.

For the local bus timetables, please visit

Rent bike for a day to cruise around town, more information here!