Last year for the fourth time arranged festival will not participate in the Nordic Fringe Network global artist call. The international art event Lahti Fringe Festival will not be organized […]
Kategoria: In English

Lahti is known as a sports city. The concept is so common, that it’s known worldwide. But the cultural supply of the city isn’t just limited to the sports because […]

2021 is a special year in Lahti, because our city has been chosen to be a European Green Capital of the year. With this nomination we are the northmost European […]

Lahti Fringe Festival is organized during 1st and 4th of September 2021, and the doors are open to all genres from street performances to opera. The fourth edition of art […]

Another amazing year of the Nordic Fringe Network’s artist call. The fourth Lahti Fringe Festival received 164 applications globally, which is great result in such challenging times. As they say, […]

Ensi vuonna keskiviikosta lauantaihin 1.-4.9. järjestettävä Lahti Fringe Festival hakee nyt uusia kansainvälisiä esiintyjiä ohjelmistoonsa. Vuonna 2020 kahteen päivään kutistunut taidetapahtuma joutui perumaan kaikki ulkomaalaisten artistien esitykset, jonka vuoksi viime […]

It has been a crazy spring, and even though some things are returning back to normal, traveling between countries is not one of them. It has not been easy to […]

Fun and interesting facts about city of Lahti that most travel guides miss to mention. 1. Watch sports… or attend the competitions yourself! Be it triathlon race, ski marathon or […]

The Nordic Fringe Network artist call of five countries and seven cities has yet again provided an amazing result. The third edition of Lahti Fringe Festival received 225 applications from […]

Ensi syksynä kolmatta kertaa järjestettävä Lahti Fringe Festival on jälleen mukana Pohjoismaisen Fringe-verkoston, eli Nordic Fringe Networkin artistihaussa. Kuukauden auki olevan haun kautta artistit ympäri maailmaa pystyvät hakemaan yhdellä lomakkeella […]

The call for international artists closed 31st of December last year. Lahti Fringe Festival received over 200 applications from all over the world. The selection process will be ongoing to […]
Lahti Fringe Festival 2019 järjestetään 4.-7.9.2019. Olemme jälleen mukana NFN -Nordic Fringe Networkin yhteisessä kansainvälisessä artistihaussa. Ja tänä vuonna samalla hakemuksella voi hakea yhteensä seitsemään Fringe-tapahtumaan vuonna 2019. Mukana myös […]

Spontaneous Art Movement – AtelierSER” is a project of two Portuguese artists, Bruno and Diogo. They act as a spontaneous collective and they are a creative movement of relational action. […]

Finlands first ever Fringe Festival proudly welcomes all artists from far and nearby to Lahti to enjoy and experience the atmosphere of Lahti Fringe Festival. Lahti is located in the […]

Lahti Fringe Festival Project builds a year-round service model for creating, supporting and developing new urban culture events through piloting a new culture and art event Lahti Fringe Festival. The […]

Lahti is a city of 120,000 residents and a center for a region of 200,000 people. It has the best of both worlds: the attractiveness, intimate coziness and originality of […]